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Commercial Bank

PRICE: £0.00

StockID Cat Ref Denom. Description Prefix Grade Price
72377 1913 £5 2nd Jan Commercial Bank of Scotland Last Date 13/B 154/91 F £720.00
54530 PS315a £1 Proof Specimen 1887 Handsigned - 1886 to 1892 - & Co - 14/A to 14R - Accountant & Cashier - Figures sculpted on the obverse. Head Office Building in green surround reverse CO47 none AUNC £620.00
62911 PS323b £1 1918 Red prefix serial The First Mackay / Riddell - 1915 to 1922 - 20/A to 20/Q + 21/A to 21/J - Black & Red serials - Accountant & Cashier - Vignettes of Bank's three Principal offices & sculptured pediment of Head Office obverse. Bank's Emblem reverse CO56d e f g 21/A 833/483 EF £1,050.00
54535 PS324 £5 1921 Mackay / Handsigned - 1913 to 1923 - 13/C to 13/N - Vignettes of the Bank's three offices obverse. Bank's emblem in blue at centre reverse CO57b 13/K 12/132 F £550.00
54536 PS327 £1 1924 First R.R.Thomson / Roberts - 1924 1925 1926 - 22/Z to 22/W - Blue on yellow - Lord Pitcairn low centre obverse. Bank Head Office building reverse CO60 22/Z 131798 VF £550.00
54580 PS327 £1 1926 £1 Uniface Colour Trial Proof two pieces front and reverse with Waterlow & Son SPECIMEN stamp from representatives sample book 3 punch holes R.R.Thomson / Roberts - 1924 1925 1926 - 22/Z to 22/W - Blue on yellow - Lord Pitcairn low centre obverse. Bank Head Office building reverse CO60 none UNC £1,200.00
73841 PS327 £1 1924 R.R.Thomson / Roberts - 1924 1925 1926 - 22/Z to 22/W - Blue on yellow - Lord Pitcairn low centre obverse. Bank Head Office building reverse CO60 22/Z 165042 EF £1,200.00
72378 PS329b £20 1931 £20 Commercial Bank of Scotland R.R.Thomson / Robb - 1928 1931 - 12/Z 12/Y 12/X - Portrait of Lord Pitcairn at centre obverse. Bank Head Office building reverse CO63b 12/Y 09278 GF £500.00
29877 PS331a £1 1927 First R.R.Thomson / Roberts - 1927 - 23A Gothic - Smaller - Accountant & Cashier - Blue on yellow - Portrait of Lord Pitcairn at centre obverse. Bank Head Office building reverse CO61a 23A 602962 AVF £190.00
54539 PS331a £1 1927 First R.R.Thomson / Roberts - 1927 - 23A Gothic - Smaller - Accountant & Cashier - Blue on yellow - Portrait of Lord Pitcairn at centre obverse. Bank Head Office building reverse CO61a 23A 880636 VF £230.00
62158 PS331a £1 1928 R.R.Thomson / Roberts - 1927 - 23A Gothic - Smaller - Accountant & Cashier - Blue on yellow - Portrait of Lord Pitcairn at centre obverse. Bank Head Office building reverse CO61a 23B 941147 EF £250.00
54581 PS331a £1 1929 £1 Uniface Colour Trial Proof two pieces front and reverse with Waterlow & Son SPECIMEN stamp from representatives sample book 3 punch holes R.R.Thomson / Roberts - 1927 - 23A Gothic - Smaller - Accountant & Cashier - Blue on yellow - Portrait of Lord Pitcairn at centre obverse. Bank Head Office building reverse CO61a none UNC £800.00
52681 PS331b £1 1939 Irving / R.R.Thomson - 1929 to 1939 - 23/D to 23/Z + A/24 to P/24 - Accountant & Cashier - Blue on yellow - Portrait of Lord Pitcairn at centre obverse. Bank Head Office building reverse CO61c 61d M/24 152303 GVF £75.00
52678 PS331b £1 1934 Irving / R.R.Thomson - 1929 to 1939 - 23/D to 23/Z + A/24 to P/24 - Accountant & Cashier - Blue on yellow - Portrait of Lord Pitcairn at centre obverse. Bank Head Office building reverse CO61c 61d 23M 128090 GVF £80.00
52290 PS331b £1 1936 Last Irving / R.R.Thomson - 1929 to 1939 - 23/D to 23/Z + A/24 to P/24 - Accountant & Cashier - Blue on yellow - Portrait of Lord Pitcairn at centre obverse. Bank Head Office building reverse CO61c 61d 23Z 291886 GVF £110.00

Copyright 2012 Pam West British Notes