Town Banknotes / Provincials / Private Banknotes
Most main towns in England and Wales in the late eighteenth and nineteenth century opened their own Banks. A large majority went bankrupt. Some of the issued banknotes were redeemed but most went unpaid, 50% have dividend payment and or bankruptcy handstamps.
The Bank's partnership names appear on the banknote and can change many times during the life of the bank. Issued banknotes are hand numbered and signed.
Other Surrey issuing banks not pictured: Surrey Bank (Kingston upon Thames), Kingston upon Thames Bank, Guildford Bank, Farnham Old Bank, Godalming & Surrey Bank, West Surrey Bank, Reigate, Croydon & Darking Bank, Reading Bank, Stains Bank. The last two Banks had branches in Surrey. Many more Banks existed in Surrey but did not issue banknotes.
The West Surrey Bank had seven branches: Guildford (head office) , Aldershot Army Camp (Hampshire), Chertsey, Egham, Epsom, Farnham, Godalming. Opened in 1836, stopped issuing banknotes in 1844. Taken over by the English Joint Stock Bank in 1866.
Buying any Surrey / Provincial banknotes call 0208 641 3224

Godley Bank, Chertsey Surrey 1834 £5

Godalming Bank £5 1859, cut cancelled to prevent it being re used

Chertsey Bank 1837 £5

Darking Surry (no e) £2 banknote 1819. Town name changed to Dorking an 'o' sounding better.
for Joseph Peters & Co

Darking Bank £1 1825
for R. Piper, Geo. Dewdney & Thos. Piper
Reigate & Darking Bank £5 1850

Bisley (Surrey?) unissued £10 of 179-. Revenue stamp to left

Farnham Bank £5 1844

Farnham Bank £10 1843

Farnham and Surrey Bank unissued £15

Farnham New Bank. Two pence 1797

Middlesex and Surrey Bank £1 1810, issued at Staines. 202 years old
Most Provincial banknotes are at least a 100 years old and some more than 200 years old. Generally they are found in what can only be said to be poor condition. The majority have ink annotations and handstamps. Some are scarce other are common as the bankrupt banks kept the banknotes in the vaults. Chests full of Banknotes sometimes come up for auction.