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Scottish Million Serials
Guernsey Million Serial
Jersey Million Serials
million serial banknotes

Million Serial Banknotes
Million serial banknotes exist to keep the accounts balanced.
A million serial banknote is special as it has a seven digit serials,
hand-made, regular serials have six digits. Million serial banknotes
were issued over the counter by high street banks as a normal
note is. Million serials exist from the 1917 third Treasury Bradbury period.
As of Series 'C' Portrait B281 O'Brien 1960 to B316 Fforde £10 1967,
the highest serial is 960000, therefore no million serials during this period.
Most banknotes found are in a poor grade (condition), probably taken
down the pub and shown around a few times. Also known as Terminators.


Email   or   Phone 0208 641 3224  if you have information



        Bradbury one pound banknote of 1917.  Million serial  (seven digits normal is six)



         Britannia B271 10s Million serial banknote.


 Britannia Million Serial Banknotes

 Please send in prefixes of unrecorded Millions


Cat  No Denom Prefixes Logged
B225 £1 J20.
B236 10s 16O  27W
B238  £1 45Y  85Y.  10U
B239  £1 D29A. E13A
B249  Blue  £1 J26D  L74D  X47D  B26E.  K95E  R55E
B251  Mauve 10s A99D  K77D  Y87D.  Z99D 
B260  £1 W36A  W56A  W79A  A37B  H36B. 
B265 10s 34D  85D  73C.
B266 10s U21Z  T37Z  T53Z  R26Z  N24Z  N76Z  N80Z  K89Z  J14Z  E42Z
B268  £1 J66B   M08B  X41B  Y20B
    A73C  J12C  N24C  S39C S60C  U36C. Z94C
    D78J   E93J  K57J   K81J
B271 10s A37Z
    Z18Y Z31Y Y13Y X33Y W78Y O05Y O07Y N65Y
    K31Y K39Y J66Y E94Y D27Y B03Y B80Y. A32Y
    Z21X  Z89X  Z95X
B273  £1 N06J  R27J  S52J  S72J  S94J  T38J  T74J  X63J  Y77J  Z39J
    A45K A88K B89K  C28K C87L D10K E14K E64K  E90K. E97K             
    O02K R26K S39K S56K T80K U28K U67K U79K U99K
    W34K W68K W68K X58K Y17K
    B12L  H29L  H44L  K13L

                                            Underlined Prefixes are True Firsts or Lasts



        Mauve Peppiatt 10s Million serial   English Paper Money catalogue B251


How Were They Made?

Numbering barrels on the printing machines have only six digits.

To overcome the need for seven digits on a million serial banknote,  
a single nought '0' would be removed from a spare numbering barrel.  
A sheet of banknotes would be specially printed with 100000 serials.  
The '0' would be inked up and added by hand to both serials in turn.  
Members of staff, in a competitive manner, would take turns adding the noughts  
to the end of the 100000 serials, one banknote per person.  
The best alligned serialed banknote would be chosen for issue,  
the remainder destroyed. Alternatively, if room was available, a figure '1'  
would be inserted before 000000 serials on a specially printed sheet.  
Why Were They Made?  

The Printers had to supply a million banknotes per prefix, as required

by a Government 'warrant' setting out the terms of: quality, quantity, durability, etc.,

Thus a million serial banknote had to be hand-made for every prefix printed.




         Peppiatt green Britannia Million serial banknote B238



         Britannia B249 £1 Million serial banknote


Table of Other  Millions Serial  Banknotes

Cat No Denom
Prefixes Logged                                                                        
T16 £1 A32.  E94 
T31 £1 B1/78.   P1/83


B305 £1 S38K  T37B.  T50D  T50H  T69H  T85J


B320   W86B.  X78A  X29C  X60E  X33H  X57L
B322                £1 BS44  BZ23
    CS08.  CS09  CS10  CS11  CS12  CW81
    EN04  ER51  ET04
    HS25  HS40  HX29
B330 £10 A78  B20.  C08  E77


A million banknotes per serial were printed up to the mid 1950s.  Then only 960,000 banknotes were

printed per serial, reverting back to a million in the mid 1960s.  Catalogue numbers known not to have

million serials include Lion & Key £5 B277 & B280 £1 to £10 B281 through to B299.  Others may

also exist.   No million serials seen on replacements.

Scottish, Irish, Jersey, Guernsey and Isle of Man million serials known.



          1970s £1 Page signature Million serial banknote



          1970s £10 Page signature Million serial banknote


          Buying Similar Items, what do you have to offer?


         Bank of Ireland £20 2008, raised last nought top left. The last '0' on the vertical ladder serial

         is the same size as the second to last '0'.



         Bank of Scotland first prefix million of 1970.  Capital i used not a 1



         RBS Million serial signed by Fred Goodwin  (Fred the shred)



        The last '0' on the bottom left ladder serial is the same size as the second to last '0'.

        A larger '0' not available?  Last '0' on vertical serial out of line.



         Look how close the last '0' is to it's neighbours



         Last nought too close to edge of note, also fainter  



        Last nought, under signature, seems to have slid down and lost its shape




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