The Website is divided into three main areas:-
- Selling
- Information
- Library
Selling is the main function of the website. Banknotes are loaded up individually:- Catalogue number - Prefix - Grade 1 - Grade 2 - Price - Special Information (First, Date, Replacement, Specimen, etc). This information is displayed as text on a line for banknotes you see for sale. When the line is clicked this and the extra information and scans are picked up and displayed.
36 Years Experience - Confidentiality Assured
Thank you for your business.
Other Services Offered
Auction Advice - Wants Lists Managed - Insurance / Probate Valuations
Auction Bidding Service - Outright Purchase - Commission Selling
SEARCH You can type anything into the Search Box and it will search the hole site: ie any Signature, Date, Prefix, Town, Serial, Catalogue Number (Duggleby - English Paper Money 8th Edition, PMI - Paper Money of Ireland, Douglas - Scottish paper money books x 4, Pick - English / Jersey / Isle of Man / Guernsey / Irish / Scottish / Military, Quarmby - Isle of Man)
SECURITY When buying is paramount. The site is protected by a secure server and your details are not shown until we accept your order and request the payment details. We are also accredited with Security Metrics, the Credit Card company's security body. All your purchases are 100% secure.
News & Info This section of the website is dedicated to banknote information, Replacements, Bernhard Forgeries, Prefix Updates, Pictures/Scans, Banknote History, etc,etc,. We welcome participation on this part of the site. If you want an area covered just ask.
In the background there is a vast picture and information section. Every Duggleby Number (B, T & C) for all English notes and every Pick Catalogue Number (P & PS) for all notes of all countries has its own entry, with a line of information plus scans (also PMI & Quarmby). When you click on a particular line while browsing banknotes for sale the information and scans are picked up and displayed, plus additional information, loaded separately for the actual banknote for sale.
Rare, Scarce and Individual banknotes for sale have their own scans loaded up separately.
On the Website
Search Box
You are be able to type ANYTHING into the Search Box, click GO, and relevant information will be displayed.
The Website is hosted by Vizar. If you wish to Buy a copy of The Site speak to Pam. (You would only have to load up your own material, and the site is up and running). The site is amenable to any sort of collectable: Coins - Stamps - Militaria, etc
I scan banknotes as jpg at 200dpi on Paint Shop Pro. The scans for the library load up so long as they are under 800KB. Scans for articles have to be below 70KB to load up so may look out of focus.
Scans of replacements, specimens, rare / scarce notes, always appreciated

Polfermolen Hall, Valkenburg, Maastricht: Pete, Glen & Pam