surrey postal history group |
The Surrey Postal History Group (SPHG) was formed in October 1989, when five avid collectors met in a front room in Claygate, where it was decided to create a group dedicated to the study of Surrey Postal History. Since then the group has expanded to thirty+ members
Web Site Manager
Open to all who are interested in any aspect of the Postal History of Surrey and its Post Offices.
Annual subscription £10 per year.
The Newsletter is published four times year. It has an ongoing series of articles on the Post Offices of Surrey and those in adjoining counties, which come / came under Surrey offices. It also contains articles of a more general postal history nature, which are applicable to Surrey.
Meetings are held two times a year at venues in Surrey and occasionally London. Meetings are usually in conjunction with a philatelic meeting / fair.
Sales / Auction / Packet
A Packet system and Auctionis operated within the group whereby members can sell and buy material. If you have any covers or material for sale please contact: Michael Miller 'Chevening' 6 Mead Close Cranleigh Surrey GU6 7BH 01483 274599
Message to Members
This is your site so any suggestion are welcome. I will need help with some aspects. Please send me scans of favourite postal items and Surrey Postal History Group activities past and present. 200dpi J pegs to my Drop Box or E Mail. If you cant scan, I can scan for you, just bring round some items (10 to 20) and I will scan them.
The club holds a large number of books etc on Surrey. If there is any aspect you wise to look up I am sure we can help.
Web Site
Surrey Postal History Group web site on WIX is free but only allows one page. A fee of £10+ per month avails us more pages but the club cannot afford it. So I have opened a 'second front' on my web site for the club to use (from home page click 'News & Info' on top rail and go to the bottom of the page), free of charge. If you know of someone who can build our own web-site please put them in touch with me (Pete).
Clubs / Meetings
Ripley Stamp Club
East Horsley Village Hall
Kingston Avenue
East Horsley
KT24 6QT
Second thursday of the month 12 noon to 3 pm
Bookham Stamp Club
Bookham Village Hall
KT23 3PQ
Second Tuesday of the month (not December) 1.30 pm to 4 pm

1940 Sutton Surrey
AGM 20
Autumn Meeting 20
2 pm
Addlestone Community Centre
Garfield Road Addlestone KT15 2NJ
Spring 20
1.15 pm
Members Bourse
Ripley Stamp Club
Ripley Village Hall
GU23 6AF
In conjunction with FSPS Autumn Fair
10 am to 4 pm
(Ripley Stamp Club)
Ripley Village Hall
GU23 6AF
(Bookham Stamp Club)
The Old Barn Hall
Church Road
KT23 3PQ
20 AGM at Claygate village hall
Claygate village hall
Church Road
KT10 0JP
Saturday 29th October
together with:
Surrey Federation PS Stamp Fair & Exhibition
10am till 4pm
hosted by
Kingston PS