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August 2022

I might seem like a moaning minnie, (maybe I am) but, the AA has come up trumps again, this time with car insurance.  Their quote by email was £580, almost £200 more than last year, yet, no accidents and barely driving anywhere made their quote seem unfair.  So, I did the usual - checked online - a lot of inputting information, prices ranged from £480 to £870.  Thus, I emailed (as required) to say I wished to cancel and, lo and behold, I was given an £80 discount for being with them another year.  I appreciate it is £20 more than the lowest quote, but sometimes better the devil you know.  It is a shame not be treated fairly in the first instance.  I know prices are rising but, it seems system generated automatic quotes don't have the human touch - personal service!

We received a renewal notice from the AA for our National breakdown cover.  I know we don't travel a lot these days, but, it certainly helped when we had a flat tyre a few months back.  And I know on the letter it say to check around, but, hey, we have been with them for 12 years and are a valued gold customer. Doh!  I had phoned and confirmed renewal, but, a TV ad that we could see (without sound) stated a price much lower than I had been quoted.  I checked online and yes, I could save £25 by cancelling and starting afresh.  So, I phoned and eventually spoke to a human bean who said he would look into it and then quoted me almost a £100 off of my quote.  I could not say yes take the money quickly enough.  I would have been happy with the £25 discount. It's that same old adage - look around for the best deals.

Whilst in the throes of ordering a new kitchen we are bombarded with 'feedback requests'.  Firstly did we want to give feedback about how it went with regards to our making an appointment with them, then did we want to give feedback about the appointment we had with the representative, then do we want to give feedback about the fitter who measured our kitchen (2 from him) and subsequently a message from one of the managers who wants to know if we would like to give feedback about the appointment we had at the showroom.  Maybe when I have a new kitchen I might give feedback, perhaps the only slight difference with the latest request is a phone number to speak to someone - something that seems quite rare these days - I don't think I shall try phoning

May 2022

Local elections came around, so did the party members. Of course the question of our blocked drain came up too (as does the water/muck when it rains a lot). The following morning we noticed a wet patch near the drain - yes, it had been sorted. Thus proving it's not what you know, it's who you know. The job completed before voting - what a surprise.


April 2022

I received an email from Company Barclaycard advising that my Statement was available.  All I had to do was log in.  I logged in (of course, not recognised), went through the rigmarole of amending password etc., (not used their site for over 2 years).  But, no statement appeared.  I went through all the options, but, no statement.  In annoyance I sent them an email - no good phoning.  I was pleasantly surprised when a few days later I received a telephone call.  Having passed security the Barclaycard official admitted that the email is sent out 72 hours before the statement is available online.  I asked "why don't you just state that on the email, saving time, effort and perhaps, unsurprisingly, frustration and annoyance".  I was advised that they should indeed do this and will work towards it and would credit me £25.  I know technology is an expense, but, surely adding 'available in 72hours' would not cost too much?  Don't laugh, but, whilst typing this, had another email from them saying my statement is ready.

March 2022

The rhyming slang 'I should coffee and cocoa' meaning 'I should think so', became 'I should cocoa', but, realistically is used in a sarcastic way and I cannot help being sarcastic (is that surprising?).  A refill bag of coffee should cost less as the purpose is to help save the planet? But, a refill bag is £2.43 per 100g and a jar is £2.36 per 100g in my local supermarket.  I should cocoa!

January 2022

Pete's debit card stopped working (for our joint account) did not work with the contactless option - the pin was correct.  He ordered a new card.  Contactless did not work with the new card.  We called and after a long phone call we were told that a lock had been put on and they would release it.  It did not work.  With my fourth telephone call a lovely chap told me he would have to converse with colleagues, was working till 3.30am and was sure he could sort it out.  He gave me the words he would use should he have to call me back for security purposes.  However, the next day Peter visited Stamp International and found, luckily, the card worked, as everywhere nearby only accepted card payment.  Even today I noticed self service tills in a supermarket were down to only one accepting cash.  It's not that we are saying we don't want cash, but, we are being forced into a situation where cash will not be acceptable and that, in itself, is not acceptable.

Watching a presenter of Beijing 2022 who was actually at the event gave measurements in 'feet' (something we even imprisoned people for).  Surely the BBC must realise that we are now 'metric?'.  Of course, I understood the distance, but, our son, Glen, would be scratching his head!

Our Electricity and Gas was supply by Eon. Eon Next took over Eon and I required some earlier bills for my annual accounts.  I sent them an email with my full name and address including postcode.  They replied with my original email attached and asked for my full name and address including postcode!  So much for privacy laws!  If I were a criminal, they gave them my account number and my details for them to use





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