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December 2023

We popped into a hotel and ordered two cappuccino coffees.  We waited quite a while for them to arrive.  When they did arrive, the first sip confirmed the coffee was cold, so, we returned them.  They made two new ones and we settled down to enjoy our coffee.  Upon receiving the bill, the assistant told us that we should be aware that coffee is made at 55degrees and when cold milk is added into a cold cup, the coffee can seem cold.  However, the milk for cappuccino coffee is steamed, thus, it is hot and the only reason the coffee was cold was because they forgot to serve it when it was ready.  Maybe we look like people who have never had a cup of coffee before, nor made one and that we don't know that coffee when served is always cold even when made with hot water and hot milk!

November 2023

One of our bedroom mains powered radio/alarm clocks began to lose time - an hour for no reason.  We decided to buy new clocks, but, only needed alarm clocks.  I quickly bought two online, but, when they arrived they ticked so loudly it affected our sleep.  So, I bought two new silent clocks (read the description this time).  Only a few days later one started to lose time.  These clocks were not expensive, but, they should at least keep the time (not lose it)!  Now we have two odd clocks in the bedroom - one from the office, which is at least 5 years old and one new one.

October 2023

I had a wonderful trip to the IBNS Perth Australia convention - a great weekend with talks, displays, exhibits and great camaraderie.  A long trip, but, most enjoyable.

September 2023

A lady in the supermarket approached me at the (now all self service checkout) and asked if she could ask a favour of me. She asked if I could tie her shoelace as she had caught it and could not manage - I was a bit surprised as I was certainly not the youngest person in the bank of tills, however, I did manage (and to get back up).  My immediate thought was 'why does she not buy a pair that don't have laces?' and then scolded myself as not everyone can afford a new pair of shoes.

I had the pleasure of attending the ANA (American Numismatic Association) show in Pittsburgh.  It was great catching up with people, chatting and basically, swanning around.  I used an app on my phone for ordering taxis.  They send a great deal of information and these days include a photo of the driver, but, they also show the car registration.  In Pittsburgh no cars show a front registration, so, one less thing to look for when two red cars arrive head on at the same time!

August 2023

I was in London the other day and decided to get some cash out of the Barclays ATM in Leicester Square.  There is a small bank of them, but, they were absolutely filthy.  Having gone through the last few years you would have thought it would be of great concern to make sure these machines used by thousands of people would at least be cleaned occasionally.  I was so incensed, I went into the branch and mentioned it to the Assistant.  In this day and age, it does not take a lot to swipe the machine down with some cleanser, but, it looked like it had not been cleaned for years.  Maybe I will report back after my next visit!

We had a renewal quote from the AA for National breakdown.  The quote £233, up from  last year's negotiated £149.  I went online and it seems I hit lucky on sale day.  Quote £84.50, well I think you know what one I decided to take.  For once, only a fairly short phone call and saved loadsa money!


July 2023

Some years ago we purchased very lightweight Samsonite luggage.  Due to use, wear and tear the outer rubber hinges wore away.  Easy peasy - just go onto Samsonite website (or similar) and seek replacement parts - it seems you can replace the handles, locks and wheels, but, not the hinges.  Ever inventful - we bought a leather strip (to make a belt), some bolts, washers, etc., and mended both cases - now they will see in another 12-15 years each.  Unbelievably the price has doubled since we first bought them.

We were excited to see our leaf cutting bees had returned to the chimney pots (the ones on the ground).  Sometimes they fly in with a bit of leaf, other times without.  I did not even think there was enough room, but they squeeze in to reach their old haunts - all three pots are in use and occasionally we move our chairs away so that they can find their pots more easily. I know some people are scared of bees and I was stung once, but, that was mainly because of the woman near me flapping her arms to shoo it away.  My twin had to carry an epi pen in case he was stung, but, I, fortunately am not allergic.  It is said that if bees die off, then, we do too, so, we are happy to have bees buzzing around - as long as they don't go for my cream cakes!

We recently came back via a Motorway Toll Road.  I was prepared with the credit card to pay the extortionate fee required, but, could not reach the machine.  I undid my seatbelt and stretched, only to be tooted at from behind.  It's not like I was trying to take my time, but, these machines are made for tall people and high cars - and no, I was not driving a low slung sports car.  People should have learned by now to be patient, but, nothing like road rage!

It seems my newsletters are seen often as a rant.  I am not an angry person, quite calm, in fact, but, some things that happen in real life are quite contentious.

There's nothing worse than phoning a company that tell you how important you are (well, they used to say that) or that due to high volume of calls (surely, you have a problem, that's why you are calling), some even say what number in the queue you are only to find at the end of the wait it is still a bot answering that cannot answer your question.  When paying for a service, we should be given options that are not just online - it is not helpful to those who cannot use online services and one day they expect that AI might deal with everything - well, at one time I would have said 'they can't make a cup of tea', but, eventually they (the bots) will learn how to squeeze a teabag without splitting it. Rant over.

June 2023

At the local pub quiz night I was about to turn my phone off when an 'older gentleman' asked me 'what was the weather like?'  I looked

out of the huge window I was seated by and declared the weather to be 'quite lovely'.  He said, 'no, not that weather, the weather on your

phone'.  I looked on my phone and advised that the weather was good and would remain so for a few days to come.  He thanked me and

tottered off.  We won the quiz that night.

I do find some auction houses exasperating!  We purchased a small porcelain figure in America.  We accepted the postage charge of £85, but, a few weeks later received an invoice from FEDEX for £86 to cover importing, etc.  In the UK we purchased a quantity of banknotes in auction, the postage charge due was £150, but, another £170 if we wanted it insured.  I found it cheaper to drive there and collect. Pack & Send in Bristol wanted to charge £148 to post goods with no cover, however, an alternative company, Mailboxes only wanted £38 to send the same goods via Royal Mail insured.   In Guernsey we were advised an export tax, a postage charge, then we would have to pay mailboxes in Portsmouth to deliver to us (no doubt in the hundreds of pounds), fortunately, a kind resident collected and posted to us.  However, hats off to Fellows auction house who posted our lot to us totally free of charge.  Effectively from one extreme to another.

April 2023

We know that certain words enter our English language and become 'de rigueur'. However, my local shopping centre decided to spell centre as center.  Center will come up in a spellcheck as computers sometimes work on American/English, but, just like we spell tyres, Americans spell tires, but, to see a spelling mistake a foot high (sorry, 30.48 cm), should not happen.  Just like shops that call themselves NEWZ agents!  Just one of my sporadic rants.

March 2023

As computerisation takes over and the 'paperless office' is now the norm (joke), just noticed that the printed BT bills we receive cost us £4 each time.  It seems you have to go to your BT page online and request a paperless bill, i.e., you print it off yourself.  BT send enough emails to advise you of everything (except brushing your teeth) - why not automatically make it paperless and if you want a printed one sent, you request it?

February 2023

I visited the Bank of England to exchange some old money and yes, I was interviewed by security as usual.  However, perhaps I should not have been surprised by the length of the queue that formed outside.  Many tourists were wanting to exchange their old paper money.  Of course, due to travel restricitons they could not visit for a couple of years and within this time frame all our money has become polymer.  I only wish I could have asked everyone what they had to exchange and see if any prefixes sprang out!  Alas, not something you can do outside the Bank itself.

Last July Royal Mail accused us of sending special delivery envelopes with fake stamps on them.  Their response to us said we had to prove they were genuine, which we did.  We took on a Solicitor and progressed to eventually submitting to the Small Claims Court.  Royal Mail waited until after we had paid out for the court case and then capitulated.  They are making a payout, which will cover the costs we incurred.  Personally I would have loved to have it reach court as we have a solid case, which would have gone on record, something the Post Office would not want. We won, we won, we won!

January 2023

I was recently fortunate enough to attend the FUN (Florida United Numismatic) show in Orlando USA.  Every visitor has to become a member to attend the show.  I offered to pay some of my $20 in coinage, but, was refused.  I do understand the nuisance it can be to accept coinage, but, was I not at a coin fair?


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