February 2025
Pete and I skived off work to go to lunchtime cinema. Due to the extortionate prices for food (not that it's all real food anyway), we bought a sandwich and a salad in a nearby supermarket. Settling down to watch the film, Pete ate his sandwich, I put my wooden fork into the salad, but, nothing moved. Although very dark I worked out that the cool cabinet had actually frozen my salad into one lump. By the time the film was over I had managed to eat approximately 50% of my very cold salad.
We do like to try to see most of the Oscar nominated films and now we have meerkat movie rewards (one ticket free on Tuesday or Wednesday) we feel a bit obliged to use them.
January 2025
We recently completed the RSPB (Royal Society for the Protection of Birds) Big Garden Bird watch. Simply, you watch an area (maybe your garden) and report how many and what type of birds you see. Usually we see magpies, starlings, blackbirds and in the old days sparrows. Our one hour stint covered very few birds this year. I do worry that as we see less and less insects it logically follows that we will see fewer birds. If Climate Change depended on the existence of insects and birds they need more protection than any other species.