Welcome to the Biggest Website for Banknote Collectors
The Website is divided into two main areas
Selling - Browse Notes Click: Browse Notes on Top Bar
Information - News & Info Click: News & Info on Top Bar
Selling - Browse Notes
Selling / Browse Notes is the main function of the website. banknotes are loaded up individually:- Catalogue number - Prefix - Grade 1 - Grade 2 - Price - Special Information (First, Replacement, Specimen, etc). This information is displayed as text on lines for banknotes you see for sale. When the line is clicked this and the extra information and scans are picked up and displayed.
SEARCH BOX @ left to find ANY selected item ie: ANY signature, ANY catalogue number, ANY bank, ANY date, ANY serial type, etc
You can type anything into the SEARCH BOX and all thoughs items will come up.
Choose A Category
These are the categories you first see, after clicking on one you will be offered further options:
English Guernsey Irish
Isle of Man Jersey Military
Miscellaneous Postal Orders Promotional/Souvenir
Provincials/Town Banks Scottish
If you click on English you will be offered the following categories:
Bank of England Column Sorts Debden Sets
Error Notes + Pairs First and Lasts Guernsey Overprints
Mid 01's & 99's Replacements Special Prefix Serials
Specimens Treasury Notes Trials / Essays
White Notes
If you click on Bank of England you will be offered six options these are mid prefix banknotes.
Some banknotes only exist as firsts so will only be found in First and Lasts:
10s £1 £5
£10 £20 £50
If you click on First and Lasts you will be offered:
True Firsts & Lasts Britannia 1928/60 Portrait 1960/79
Pictorial 1970/94 Historical 1990 on
The True First & Last category will show you all the actual True Firsts and Lasts we have for sale.
The other four will show you Firsts & Lasts in the banknote types and date ranges shown.
SECURITY when buying is paramount. The site is protected by a secure server and your details are not shown until we accept your order and request the payment details. We are also accredited with Trustwave, the Credit Card company's security body. All your purchases are 100% secure
How to find your banknote
Picture Library (banknotes not for sale)
Many banknotes are featured, look for your banknote or similar, there should be a catalogue number under the scan. You can type anything into the Search Box (on the Browse Notes section of the site) click on GO. And it should come up. The Picture Library is to be found on the News & Info section of the site
Treasury 1914 to 1928
Notes have 'T' English Paper Money catalogue numbers T1 to T35. The notes are signed by two Treasurers, John Swanwick Bradbury and Norman Fenwick Warren Fisher. There are three designs, First and Second Issues both with red ten shillings and black one pound and Third Issue, brown and green George V to right. Britannia or St George to left
Bank of England 1694 to date
Notes have 'B' English Paper Money catalogue numbers B200 to B410. All the notes are signed by the Chief Cashier. The list below shows the span of 'B' catalogue numbers, plus dates, for that particular signature / Chief Cashier
Town Banknotes / Provincials / Private Banks
Most main towns in England and Wales in the late eighteenth and nineteenth century opened their own Banks. A large majority went bankrupt. Some of the issued banknotes were redeemed but most went unpaid, 50% have dividend payment and or bankruptcy handstamps. See Surrey provincials on the Picture Library.
Signatures of the Bank of England Chief Cashiers
White Banknotes
Newland, Hase, Rippon, Marshall, May, Bowen B200 to B207 1797 to 1902
Nairne John Gordon B208 1902 to 1918
Harvey Ernest Musgrave B209 1918 to 1925
Britannia Banknotes

Mahon Cyril Patrick B210 to B222 1925 to 1929

Catterns Basil Gage B223 to B234 1929 to 1934

Peppiatt Kenneth Oswald B235 to B264 1934 to 1949

Beale Percival Spencer B265 to B270 1949 to 1955
Helmeted Britannia Banknote £5 only

O'Brien Leslie Kenneth B271 to B287 1955 to 1962
Portrait Banknotes

Hollom Jasper Quintus B288 to B300 1962 to 1966

Fforde John Standish B301 to B319 1966 to 1970
Pictorial Banknotes

Page John Brangwyn B320 to B340 1970 to 1980

Somerset David Henry Fitzroy B341 to B354 1980 to 1988

Gill George Malcolm B353 to B359 1988 to 1991
Historical Banknotes

Kentfield Graham Edward Alfred B360 to B379 1991 to 1998

Lowther Merlyn Vivienne B380 to B397 1999 to 2003

Bailey Andrew John B398 to B406 2004 to 2011
Salmon Chris B407 to B410 2011 to 2014

Cleland Victoria B411 to B413 2015 ongoing
Notes have 'P' Pick catalogue numbers each Scottish Bank has its own set of numbers. All Scottish notes are dated, so go to the Bank you have, click any note, then click either side to progress to right date. You can type anything into the Search Box (on the Browse Notes section of the site) then click on GO
Notes have 'P' Pick and 'PMI' Paper Money of Ireland catalogue numbers, each Irish Bank has its own set of numbers. Most Irish notes are dated, so go to the Bank you have, click any note, then click either side to progress to right date. You can type anything into the Search Box (on the Browse Notes section of the site) then click on GO
All other Countries use 'P' Pick
Information / News & Info
The News & Info section of the website is dedicated to banknote information including Replacements, Bernhard Forgeries, Prefix Updates, Pictures, Banknote History, Picture Library, etc,. We welcome participation on this part of the site. If you want an area covered just ask.
About Pam
As a Dealer and Collector Pam enjoys going to shows and meeting clients – it is not a job, but, a lifestyle.
Pam is still involved with the IBNS (International Bank Note Society) after forty plus years and is at present Chairperson of the London Branch. In 2001 the Society had its fortieth anniversary where Pam was awarded the Silver Medal for services to the society. In 2011 Pam was elected to the IBNS Hall of Fame and also received an award for services to the society over the past ten years.
Pam is proud to have published three editions of English Paper Money. The 6th edition winning IBNS book of the year, the 7th an honorary mention. In 2009 she published Paper Money of Ireland, which has not only become the definitive work on the subject but also won IBNS book of the year. In 2015 Pam published Isle of Man Paper Money, the definitive work on the Island's banknotes
A profile by John Andrews, can be found on News & Info, it pretty much tells you everything about her. Have a look.
First Trust bank World banknotes Clydesdale Bank UK banknote sales British Linen Bank free banknote valuations Ulster banknote Belfast bank banknote town bank Value my banknote Britishnotes banknote price list How much is my banknote worth Chief Cashiers Newland Hase Rippon Marshall English paper money fairs May Bowen Nairne old English banknote Harvey Mahon Catterns Peppiatt legal tender Beale OBrien Pick catalogue Hollom Fforde banknote valuations banknotes for sale Page Somerset old paper money Gill Kentfield Lowther Bailey Chris Salmon