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Debden Security Sets/Packs
C101 to C112
C113 to C119
C122 to C128
C129 to C140
C141 to C151
C152 to C161
C162 to C169
C170 to C175 + W100 to W102 + Private
debden presentation sets/packs

Debden Security Printing     Britannia Giftware

Debden Security Printing (DSP) was set up in March 1986 to exploit new technical developments at the Bank of England Printing Works. This included storage, note destruction, design and security consultancy. From mid 1988 the brief was extended to explore marketing opportunities presented by the Bank's new museum, including publications ‘The Search for the Inimitable Note’ and ‘The Moneymakers International’ (in collaboration with the Austrian National Bank). Booklets dealing with aspects of the Series E notes followed together with paperweights and other desk ornaments.
     In June 1990 the first presentation pack was issued containing the last £5 notes in Series D and the first in Series E. With little advance publicity few collectors knew about it and the vast bulk of the issue went to a handful of dealers. Packs were soon changing hands at four times the £50 issue price. Unfortunately this gave a distorted view of the market and when the £20 pair (C102) was released it cost £200. By comparison, twenty years later the asking price for a Faraday/Elgar pair is only just above the selling price. To complicate matters the original purchasers of the £5 set had the right to buy subsequent matching prefix/serial sets of the £10, £20 and £50. If these later denomination were not taken up (and many collectors could not afford them) they were allocated to newcomers. So although a total of 1500 exist of each denomination, far fewer sets of all four exist with identical serials.
     It is fair to say that some collectors (and dealers) felt aggrieved and doubted the validity of ensuing issues, especially when it was found that the so-called first and last were at variance with those found in circulation. A particular case in point was the Kentfield £10 DD prefix which was followed by a later run with the DA prefix. DSP argued that they were offering authentic first print runs in good faith and this was quite separate from the Bank's responsibility for mass note production. The charitable view might be that somewhere along the line the wires got crossed.
     Collectors also began to question whether prefixes claimed to be ‘the last’ were, in fact, specially created and whether any had been put into circulation. Some dealers decided to break the packs to get hold of a particular prefix unobtainable by any other means. DSP acknowledged that some were column sort notes, prefixed 99 when sheet size dictated a top limit of 80, but that the alphabetical prefixes were within the recognised system.
     This was not the case with the special prefixes on notes never intended for circulation, such as the Queen's 50th wedding anniversary (HM50 and EP50), the Prince of Wales' 50th birthday (PW50) and the Queen Mother's 100th birthday (QM10). Meanwhile the year sets could be purchased with birth dates or other anniversaries and some were done as joint ventures with the Royal Mint and the Royal Mail. There were inconsistencies in the denominations made available and in some cases (e.g. the £50) the notes were not obtainable without the gold crown.
     Despite setbacks, special prefixes created for the Far East sold well and increasingly the business became focussed on such wholesale deals rather than the retail market for individuals. In May 2001 DSP announced that Britannia Giftware (as it was then known) would be operated by the Royal Mint with effect from 1st June. It was not a success and within two years the Bank decided (at the behest of De La Rue who were now running the printing works) that the effort of printing limited edition prefixes was not worth the trouble. Over the thirteen year period 1990-2003, there were some seventy eight special issues and these are listed in full with official confirmation of the quantities actually sold where known. Most of them were issued in presentation folders (or wallets) usually accompanied by certificates and in some cases descriptive booklets. Whether they receive greater recognition and acceptance by collectors with the passage of time remains to be seen.

                                               If offering sets for sale please quote the C or W number

                                               I am a Buyer of Sets/Packs Especially with Low Serials


Scans wanted of at 200jpg: C105 C111 C115 C133 C135 C136 C137 C140 C155 C156 C167 C174 


All are Limited Edition Sets / Packs 

           1990 June  FIVE POUNDS - LAST & FIRST
 £5 Gill SE90 (B353) A01 (B357)
Last Series D, first Series E. Limited edition of 1500 pairs with matching serials from 999999 to 998500 in blue leatheret binder.


         C100  £5 Gill  A01 B357, front of blue leatheret binder has a central gold Bank of England madalion


        C100   £5 Gill SE90 B353

                                                      Scans of other Sets/Packs on subsequent pages  

           1990  HM QUEEN MOTHER'S 90th BIRTHDAY
   £5 Gill A01 (B357) with silver proof £5 crown
Limited edition of 1100 sets (448 sold). Serials recorded between 002401 and 003503. The Bank supplied an unspecified quantity of £5 notes, believed to be around 1500. It is not known what happened to the balance.

           1991  TWENTY POUNDS - LAST & FIRST
   £20 Gill 20X (B355) A01 (B358)
Last Series D, first Series E. Limited edition of 1500 pairs with matching serials from 999999 to 998500 in red leatheret binder.

           1991  FIVE POUND & TWENTY POUND
   £5 Gill SE69 (B353) 20U (B355)
Limited edition of 400 sets with matching serials from 722501 to 723000. As the last prefixes were no longer available, the order form stated that both notes were drawn ‘from a very late prefix’ but did not specify which ones. DSP then booked the same 400 serials in advance for the £10 and £50 in C109 for those who wished to obtain a matching set.

           1992  TEN POUNDS - LAST & FIRST
C104   £10 Kentfield KR30 (B360) A01 (B366)
Last Series D, first E Series. Limited edition of 1500 pairs with matching serials from 999999 to 998500 in brown leatheret binder.

            1992  TEN POUND - FIRST
C105   £10 Kentfield A01 (B366) with two silver proof 10p
Limited edition of 1000 (844 sold) with serials recorded between 002402 to 003402. The same remarks apply as for C101.

           1993 February  FIRST PREFIXES
   £5 R01 (B362) £10 KN01 (B360) £20 E01 (B371) £50 E01 (B361)
Kentfield. Limited edition of 2000 sets with matching serials from 500001 to 502000 in red leatheret binder.

           1993 November  FIVE POUND - LAST SHEETLET
   £5 Kentfield AB16/17/18 (B363)
Strip of 3. Limited edition of 1500 containing the last Kentfield £5 notes printed in sheetlet of three on the web presses (which ceased production in 1993). Serials from 999999 to 998500.

           1993 November  FIVE POUND - FIRST SHEETLET
   £5 Kentfield AC01/02/03 (B364)
Strip of 3. Limited edition of 1500 containing the first Kentfield £5 notes printed in sheetlet of three on the new sheet-fed presses. Serials from 000001 to 01500.

            1994  TEN POUND & FIFTY POUND - LASTS
C109   £10 Kentfield KR30 (B360) £50 E30 (B361)
Last Series D. Limited edition of 400 pairs with matching serials between 722501 to 723000. The relevant prefix/serials were earmarked in advance once the decision had been made to release the £5 and £20 in C103 in black leatheret binder.

C110   £5 Kentfield W18 (B362) AA01 (B363)
C111   £10 Kentfield X40 (B366) DD01 (B369)
C112   £20 Kentfield W35 (B371) X01 (B374)
Last and first Series E. Limited edition of 1500 pairs with matching serials from 999999 to 998500 in blue leatheret binders.

              1994  FIFTY POUNDS - LAST & FIRST
   £50 Kentfield E30 (B361) £50 A01 (B377)
Last Series D, first Series E. Limited edition of 1500 pairs with matching serials from 999999 to 998500 in green leatheret binder.

           1994  FIFTY POUND - LAST & PRINT
   £50 Kentfield E30 (B361) with framed St Paul's print
Last Series D. Limited edition of 100, taken from unsold notes in the 999--- serial range for C113. (traced to 999811).

   £50 Kentfield A01 (B377) with silver proof 50p
Limited edition of 750 firsts (649 sold) with notes serials between 002422 and 003423. The same remarks apply as for C101.

C116  £5 Gill A01 (B357) £20 A01 (B358)
First Series E. Limited edition of 400 pairs with matching serials from 003000 to 003400. Notes were drawn from available stock.

           1994  TEN POUND & FIFTY POUND - FIRSTS
  £10 Kentfield A01 (B366) £50 A01 (B377)
First Series E. Limited edition (110 sold) of pairs with matching serials between 002000 and 003500. These notes were drawn from available stock to match those in C116 (if requested).

           1995 TWENTY POUNDS - UNCUT PAIR
C118   £20 Kentfield E01/E02 (B371) 230
Uncut pair, first Series E. Limited edition of 1000 folders containing the first Kentfield £20 notes printed in pairs. The serials are from 000001 to 001000.

           1996  HM THE QUEEN'S 70th BIRTHDAY
C119   £5 Kentfield HM70 (B364) with cupro-nickel £5 crown
Limited edition of 5000. The notes serials are 000001 to 005000.
C120   £10 Kentfield HM70 (B369) with silver proof £5 crown
Limited edition of 2000 (1970 sold). The notes serials are randomly 000001 to 005000.
C121   £5 Kentfield BH/BJ 25-28 & 33-36 (B364)
Minisheet of 8. Limited edition of 5000 worldwide. The sets were produced jointly by DSP and Money World Asia PTE Ltd. 2000 were put on sale at Suntec City, Singapore 5th/8th September 1996. The UK allocation was 200 minisheets BH 000400 to 000599 marketed by DSP in July 1996. Gold packaging.

             1997  HONG KONG HANDOVER
C122a   £5 Kentfield HK97 (B364) single two packaging types
C122b   £5 Kentfield HK97 minisheet of 12
C122c   £5 Kentfield HK97 overprinted sheet of 35
Singles, mini sheets of 12 and complete overprinted sheet of 35 were produced, mainly for the Hong Kong market. The Bank printed one million notes from 000001 to 999999 but certain numbers had to be withdrawn, including all those beginning with ‘4’, in deference to local tradition. All the prefixes on the sheets are the same HK97, and each note carries a different six-digit serial, which is a departure from the Bank's normal numbering practice. Total sales were 330000 of which the UK allocation was 50 sheets, although more have certainly been re-imported.

   £5 Kentfield HM50 (B364) with cupro-nickel £5 crown
Limited edition of 5000 (1314 sold). The notes serials are 000001 to 05000.
C124   £10 Kentfield HM50 (B369) with silver proof £5 crown
Limited edition of 1500 (927 sold). The notes serials are 000001 to 001500.
C125   £50 Kentfield EP50 (B377) with gold proof £5 crown
Limited edition of 150 (sold out). The notes serials are 000001 to 000150.

           1998  YEAR PREFIX
   £5 Kentfield YR19 (B364)
C127   £10 Kentfield YR19 (B369)
C128    £20 Kentfield YR19 (B375)
C129   £5 £10 £20 £50 (B377) Kentfield YR19
Limited edition of 1000 notes in lower denominations and 500 sets containing all four notes. Notes could be ordered with special birthday or anniversary prefix/serials, 980001 and following.

              1998  PRINCE OF WALES'S 50th BIRTHDAY
   £5 Kentfield PW50 (B364) with cupro-nickel £5 crown
Limited edition of 1000 (897 sold). Serials are 000001 to 001000.
C131   £10 Kentfield PW50 (B369) with silver proof £5 crown
Limited edition of 500 (397 sold). Serials are 000001 to 000500.
C132   £50 Kentfield PW50 (B377) with gold proof £5 crown
Limited edition of 100 (4 sold). Serials are 000001 to 0000100.
C133   £5 £10 £50 Kentfield PW50 with the three £5 crowns as above
Boxed set of three (95 sold). Orders for C133 were satisfied first and then the remaining notes were allocated to C130, C131 and C132.

           1998  THE UK ROYAL TRIPLET
   £5 (B364) £10 (B369) £20 (B375) BE98 Kentfield
Set of three denominations, produced for Money World Asia. Limited edition of 1888 sets. The notes are believed to be numbered from 000001 but the precise upper limit is not known as more notes were supplied than actually used. (traced to 000812).

            1999  YEAR PREFIX
C135   £5 Kentfield YR19 (B364)
C136   £10 Kentfield YR19 (B369)
C137   £20 Kentfield YR19 (B375)
C138   £5 £10 £20 £50 (B377) Kentfield YR19
Set of four. Limited edition of 1000 notes in each denomination and 500 sets containing all four notes. As with 1998 year prefix, notes could be ordered with special birthday or anniversary prefix/serials, 990001 and following.

           1999  YEAR PREFIX + CROWN
   £5 Kentfield YR19 (B364) with cupro-nickel £5 crown
Limited edition (748 sold).
C140   £20 Kentfield YR19 (B375) with silver proof £5 crown
Limited edition (298 sold).
C141   £5 £20 £50 (B377) Kentfield YR19 with gold proof £5 crown
Limited edition (91 sold) serials 99----.

              1999  SPECIAL RUN & FIRST
   £5 Kentfield DL99 (B364) Lowther EA01 (B380)
C143   £10 Kentfield KK99 (B369) Lowther KL01 (B382)
C144   £20 Kentfield CL99 (B375) Lowther DA01 (B384)
C145   £50 Kentfield H99 (B377) Lowther J01 (B385)
Limited editions of 1500 pairs with matching serials from 999999 to 998500.

           1999  SPECIAL RUN LASTS
   £5 £10 £20 £50 Kentfield DL99 KK99 CL99 H99
As in C142 to C145. Limited edition of 1000 sets with matching serials from 001001 to 002000. A further supply of Kentfield special run 99's was released later in loose leaf form, most of which were bought by dealers. Serials from 000001 to 001000.

           1999  FIRSTS
C147   £5 £10 £20 £50 Lowther EA01 KL01 DA01 J01
As in C142 to C145. Limited edition of 1000 sets with matching serials from 001001 to 002000. A further supply of Lowther first prefixes 01's was released later in loose leaf form, most of which were bought by dealers. Serials from 000001 to 001000.

           1999  TWENTY POUNDS - LAST & FIRST
C148   £20 Lowther DA80 (B384) AA01 (B386)
Last Faraday, first Elgar. Limited edition of 1000 pairs with matching serials from 999000 to 999999.

   £5 Lowther YR20 (B380)
C150   £10 Lowther YR20 (B382)
Limited edition of 1500. Notes could be ordered with special birthday or anniversary prefix/serials, from 000001 and following.
C151   £20 Lowther YR20 (B386) with silver £5 proof crown
Limited edition of 2000 to form companion set with C149/C150, serials 000001 and following.

           2000  HM THE QUEEN MOTHER'S 100th BIRTHDAY
C152   £5 Lowther (B380) QM10 with cupro-nickel £5 crown & £5 stamp
Limited edition of 10000 serials from 000001 to 010000.postmark
C153   £5 Lowther (B380) QM10 with cupro-nickel £5 crown
Limited edition of 1000 (382 sold) serials from 010000 to 011000.
C154   £10 Lowther (B382) QM10 with silver proof £5 crown
Limited edition of 750 (485 sold) serials from 000001 to 000750.
C155   £20 Lowther (B386) QM10 with gold proof £5 crown
Limited edition of 200 (98 sold) serials from 000001 to 000200.
C156   £5 £10 £20 Lowther QM10 with gold proof £5 crown
Boxed set of three (87 sold) with matched serials in above ranges.

             2000  TEN POUNDS - LAST & FIRST

   £10 Lowther LA80 (B382) Lowther AA01 (B390)
Last Dickens, first Darwin. Limited edition of 1000 pairs, with matching serials from 999999 to 999000.

   £10 Lowther QV10 (B390) with cupro-nickel £5 crown & £5 stamp
Limited edition of 5000 serials from 000001 to 005000.
C159   £5 Lowther VR10 (B380) with cupro-nickel £5 crown
Limited edition of 400 (sold out) serials in range 000001 to 000650.
C160   £10 Lowther VR10 (B390) with silver proof £5 crown
Limited edition of 700 (327 sold) serials from 000251 to 000950.
C161   £5 £10 £20 VR10 Lowther (B386) with gold proof £5 crown
Set of three values. Limited edition of 250 (178 sold) with matching serials from 000001 to 000250.

           2002 May  FIVE POUNDS - LAST & FIRST
   £5 Lowther EJ90 (B380) HA01 (B395)
Last Stephenson, first Fry. Limited edition of 1000 pairs with matching numbers from 999999 to 999001.

           2002 June  HM THE QUEEN'S GOLDEN JUBILEE
C163   £5 Lowther QE50 (B380) with £5 crown & £5 stamp
Philatelic/Numismatic cover (postmarked 6.2.2002). Limited edition of 10000 serials from 000001 to 010000.
C164   £5 Lowther YR20 (B380) with £5 crown
Baby Gift Set. Limited edition within range 020001 and 029999.
C165   £5 Lowther ER50 (B395) with cupro-nickel £5 crown
Limited edition of 1000 serials from 000151 to 0001150.
C166   £10 Lowther ER50 (B390) with silver proof £5 crown
Limited edition of 500 serials from 000151 to 000650.
C167   £20 Lowther ER50 (B386) with gold proof £5 crown
Limited edition of 100 serials from 000151 to 000250.
C168   £5 £10 £20 ER50 with the three £5 crowns as above
Set of three values. Limited edition of 100, serials from range 000001 to 000150.
              2002 November  ROYAL CELEBRATION UNCUT PAIR
   £5 Lowther HM02/HM03 (B395)
Uncut pair. Limited edition of 5000 pairs with matching serials from 000001 to 005000.

            2003 May  FIRSTS
C170   £5 £10 £20 Lowther HA01 (B395) AA01 (B388) AA01 (B386)
Fry Darwin Elgar. Limited edition of 1000 with matching serials within range from 001001 to 002100. According to a Royal Mint Coin Club letter “Traditionally whenever a new series of banknotes is authorised, the first 1000 notes are not made available to the general public.”

            2003 June  CORONATION 50th ANNIVERSARY
   £5 Lowther QC03 (B395) £5 crown & £5 stamp
Philatelic/Numismatic cover (postmarked 2.6.2003). Limited edition of 10000, serials within range from 000001 to 010000.
C172   £5 Lowther QC50 (B395) with cupro-nickel £5 crown
Limited edition of 1000, serials from 000151 to 0001150.
C173   £10 Lowther QC50 (B390) with silver proof £5 crown
Limited edition of 500, serials from 000151 to 000650.
C174   £20 Lowther QC50 (B386) with gold proof £5 crown
Limited edition of 100, serials from 000151 to 000250.
C175   £5 £10 £20 QC50 with the three £5 crowns as above
Set of three values. Limited edition of 100, serials within range from 000001 to 000150.

In addition to the range marketed by Debden Security Printing and later by the Royal Mint, DSP also prepared three issues for the Westminster Collection.

             2000  THE QUEEN MOTHER'S BIRTHDAY
   £5 Lowther QM20 (B380) with silver proof £5 crown
Limited edition of 500 packs franked with four royalty stamps (postmarked 4th August 2000). Serials from 000001 to 000500.

W101   £5 Lowther QV20 (B380) with Guernsey silver proof £5 crown
Limited edition of 500 packs franked with six first class stamps (postmarked 29th January 2001). Serials from 000001 to 000500.

             2002  GOLDEN JUBILEE
W102   £5 Lowther GJ20 (B380) with silver proof £5 crown
Limited edition of 2000 packs with five golden jubilee stamps (postmarked 6th February 2002). Serials 002000 and following.

Extract from English Paper Money 7th edition page 218 & 8th edition page 308


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